The best presenters know how to breathe — they are mindful presenters

Maurice DeCastro
5 min readAug 27, 2021


The best presenters understand the power of their breath and know how to use it to their advantage when speaking.

One of the very first things a good public speaking coaching session will teach if you suffer from public speaking anxiety is to breathe effectively. If anxiety or nerves isn’t an issue for you, then focusing on your breath will still form an important part of your one to one coaching.

There’s nothing new about breathing, you are doing it right now as you are reading this article. Thankfully, breathing is of course a completely autonomic function of the nervous system, which means we don’t have to give it a second thought.

The best presenters do think about it.

Despite the fact that it’s the most natural human function on earth, many of us still don’t do it properly when we’re under pressure.

It’s an age old human phenomenon, we often know exactly what to do but still we don’t always do it.

We all know the importance of drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day. Every presenter knows that the number one route to reducing nervousness and enhancing performance is to breathe properly. Despite that knowledge, how many of us drink at least 8 glasses of water a day? How many speakers actually take the time to breathe properly before a presentation?

I’m willing to bet that not many of us drink enough water each day and that most people don’t even think about breathing before they speak.

The best presenters take the time to notice their breath and interestingly enough they also drink plenty of water.


Most of the tension and anxiety we see affecting presenters today can be dispelled by the simple and immensely powerful act of mindful breathing. Here are 7 good reasons why the best presenters breathe properly before they speak.

1) Its free, you don’t need to join a gym, use technology or buy any fancy equipment

2) It reduces anxiety, agitation and stress helping you to feel relaxed, calm and focused

3) You can do it anywhere

4) It only takes a minute

5) If gives you time to think

6) It clears your mind

7) It works — scientifically that is!

The reason we’ve all been told about the importance and value of breathing properly when we are feeling uncomfortable is because the benefits are based on science not myth.

Have you heard of the ‘Vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is a long cranial nerve which reaches all the way down to our heart, lungs, other internal organs and even our tongue and vocal chords .

We’ve all heard of ‘fight or flight’ which is a primitive yet critical function of our sympathetic nervous system. This basically says that when we feel under threat our body reacts in a instant to either fight off the threat or run away from it. Unfortunately, the feeling of vulnerability when speaking to people in public can represent a significant conscious and subconscious threat for a great number of people. This is where the vagus nerve can come to our swift rescue because as a key part of our parasympathetic nervous system it’s this incredible nerve which can help to calm you down

One of the best ways to stimulate the vagus nerve to calm us down when we feel so anxious about presenting and public speaking is to breathe properly.

As well as relieving anxiety, mindful breathing provides an invaluable way to step out of autopilot and reconnect with yourself in the moment. That’s exactly where your audience need you to be, in the moment.

Here are 3 simple steps to a game changing presentation through mindful breathing:

1) Ask

Sit quietly for a few moments tune in to yourself and ask ‘What’s going on with me at the moment?

Acknowledge and just accept everything you’re experiencing in the moment, sensations in your body, your thoughts, any emotions any negative feelings.

Don’t try to change or fight anything just recognize and accept everything as it is for a few moments. The important thing is just to acknowledge without feeling compelled to want to change anything.

2) Breathe

Take a deep inhalation into your belly and as you do so count slowly in your mind to five, then very slowly release each breath while pursing your lips and feel the breath leaving your body.

Focus totally on your breathing for 10 breaths or more.

Experience fully and completely every breath.

Follow each breath as closely as you can in through your nose, then down your throat and into your chest and abdomen feeling your stomach expand as you breathe in and contract as you breathe out.

Notice all of the physical sensations you experience as you breathe in and breathe out.

If your mind wanders (and it surely will) draw your attention back to your breath.

3) Notice

Expand your awareness to notice what’s going on in your whole body now, where you are, what’s happening for you right now?

Notice a sense of space around you now and broaden your awareness to notice your whole experience.

Notice any tension or sensations in your body and gently bring your breath into those spaces.

The joy of taking the time to really breathe before a presentation is that you can’t get it wrong and the benefits are enormous.

Focusing on your breath leads you to focus on and listen to yourself, to tune into the rhythm of your mind and body. You become centered, release tension, increase clarity and get to deliver your message while managing your adrenaline.

Remember, the best presenters take time to breathe.

Go ahead and breathe!

If this article has inspired you to learn a little more about how effective your public speaking and presentation skills are you may want to take a look at our presentation training and public speaking coaching pages to see how we may be able to help you. You will also find a great deal of really helpful ‘free’ information in our Learning Centre.

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Maurice DeCastro
Maurice DeCastro

Written by Maurice DeCastro

Author, speaker, trainer, presenter - former corporate executive passionate about personal leadership, people and results.

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