20 ways mindful presentation training can improve your life

Maurice DeCastro
6 min readFeb 13, 2022


Mindful presentation training offers countless opportunites for personal annd professional growth. We believe that ability to communicate effectively is the most valuable skill in the world today. Mindful presentation training opens up a world of possibilities for us all. From seasoned presenters, to those just starting out or are terrified of public speaking, the benefits extend to everyone.

Whatever business or stage of life you are in, regardless of your role, you are constantly presenting. Every presentation involves communication and each time we speak we are presenting.

It could be to your boss, your colleague or a customer, a supplier or even your bank manager. Perhaps it’s someone much closer to home.

Whatever the situation, the way you communicate will have a personal impact on someone, including yourself. I believe we owe it to ourselves and the person we are speaking with to be mindful of that impact.

20 ways mindful presentation training can improve your life

1- Persuade and convince others to do business with you or see things differently.

It may feel unpalatable to some but not much happens in this world without some convincing or persuasion

2- Create a personal impact and be remembered for the right reasons.

It’s human nature to want to ‘look good’, connect with others and be rememebered.

3- Develop your own personal confidence and belief in yourself.

“The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.” Blake Lively

4- To climb the career ladder and get the results you want.

Have you noticed that many of the people who climb to the top have learned to speak with impact?

5- Grow and develop emotionally, intellectually and even ‘spiritually’.

Everything you say and the way you say it to yourself and others will help or hinder your growth.

6- Learn exactly what works for you today in the way you communicate.

Most people focus on their weakness. Harnessing your strengths is far more powerful.

7- Identify and practice the opportunities available to you to communicate more effectively and with greater impact

Nothing changes until we change it.

8- Deal with difficult people and challenges with more control and less stress.

It’s true, there are a few difficult people on the planet. You can help them to change.

9- Be able to resolve conflicts calmly and effectively.

No one likes conflict. Mindful presentation training offers a way of managing it when it happens.

10- Be more influential in your company, industry and marketplace.

“Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” Napoleon Hill

Here are the next 10

11- Be more assertive when you need to be.

There are many reasons why this matters. Here are just three of them.

12- Lead your team, department or business more inspirationally.

If you’ve ever been an employee you’ll undertstand how much the world is crying out for this.

13- Express yourself more effectively emotionally as well as intellectually.

Isn’t that why we are all here, to express ourselves?

14- Engage, excite and inspire others.

Mindful presentation training helps you to do the one thing that most people want.

15- Lead change.

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Eric Hoffer

16- Create and develop the personal brand you want to have.

Branding isn’t reserved for marketing departments. We each have one whether we are aware of it or not.

17- Get your message across clearly, concisely and compellingly.

We live in a world of ‘noise’. Most of us are overwhelmed with information. Clarity is king in today’s world.

18- Connect with others authentically.

“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tired into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” Martin Luther King Jr.

19- To ‘win friends and influence people’.

If you haven’t yet read his book, it explains everything; ‘How to win friends and influence people.’ Dale Carnegie

20- Make a difference

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

Life is a 24 hour 365 day a year conversation

We never stop speaking to someone about something. If it’s not another human being, then you can be certain you are having endless conversations with yourself every day.

We continue that conversation even when we are sleeping; it’s called dreaming.

Apart from breathing, it’s virtually the only thing we are constantly doing. I believe that we owe it to ourselves to get good at it.

Presenting isn’t about standing in front of an audience reading out bullet points on slides. It’s also not simply giving senior management your quarterly update. Every time we speak we are presenting. Whilst it’s something most of us do ‘automatically’, we often don’t appreciate how complex human communication really is.

It’s the only tool we have to influence others, change attitudes, establish and develop relationships. How else would we express our emotions.

The opportunities are limitless

Scientists believe that there are at least 100 billion stars in the ‘observable’ universe. At Mindfull Presenter we believe that there are at least as many different ways of communicating.

We are all different, that’s what makes life fun as well as interesting. I believe that one of the greatest challenges we all face for our personal growth, success and happiness is learning to communicate with each other effectively. In a way that matters, works for us and more importantly those listening to us.

Mindul presentation training is by far the best vehicle to help us to begin to understand the infinite dynamics of highly effective communication.

What is Mindful Presenting?

If you asked us that question in one of our workshops we wouldn’t respond by saying ‘that’s a great question’.


Because such an answer often lacks sincerity. It disrespects the questions others may have asked before and it’s an automatic response making it ‘mindless’ rather than ‘mindful’.

This is how we would respond.

Mindful Presentation training is designed to focus on every one of the 20 opportunities listed above. The key difference revolves around the way in which we help you to achieve those goals.

We have plenty of ‘tools’, ‘techniques’ and ‘processes’. Without the right experience, mindset and approach, on there own they are not enough. In our experience, without carefully tailored, mindful training, they generally serve to perpetuate the huge problem we see in businesses today. Many professionals are using them in the same way that so many others do that there’s little distinction.

Mindful presention training:

– Removes a great deal of the anxiety, stress and difficulty of finding and owning your own voice.

– Gives you the personal presence, confidence and gravitas to connect authentically with yourself as a speaker and also your audience.

– Breaks down barriers, personal limiting beliefs and the unconscious need to ‘conform’.

– Allows you to speak with the paradox of authority and vulnerability inherent in each of us.

– Substantially increase your faith and confidence in yourself and your audience.

– Helps you to feel good about yourself, knowing that you’ve not only made a difference but that you have been true to yourself.

If you are already a great communicator and presenter and have some great ideas, thoughts and suggestions to help others, please share them with our readers in your comments, we’d love to read them.

If however, this article has left you wondering, ‘What else is there?’, then:

– Book yourself onto a powerful public speaking course.

– Invest in some really good one to one public speaking coaching.

– Get yourself some excellent presentation training

Photo by Patrick Schneider on Unsplash



Maurice DeCastro
Maurice DeCastro

Written by Maurice DeCastro

Author, speaker, trainer, presenter - former corporate executive passionate about personal leadership, people and results.

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