10 Reasons to develop your public speaking skills in 2025
Here at Mindful Presenter, we believe that one of the most important skills in the world today is the ability to communicate not just effectively but mindfully and with impact.
2025 is just around the corner and simply sharing information on its own is no longer enough if we want to thrive at work.
There are many reasons we should develop our public speaking and presentation skills in 2025 but here are my top 10 which I absolutely believe will serve you well over the next 12 months and beyond:
👌Connect emotionally with your audience as well as intellectually.
👌Create a personal impact and be remembered for the right reasons.
👌Develop your own personal confidence and belief in yourself.
👌Be more influential in your company, industry and marketplace.
👌Lead your team, department or business more inspirationally.
👌Engage, excite and inspire others.
👌Get your message across clearly, concisely and compellingly.
👌Connect with others authentically.
👌Make a difference.
👌Avoid decades of bad public speaking and presenting habits
My favourite is:
“In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” Eric Hoffer
We live in a time of change!